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TVET Partnerrships

The RMI and German of Crafts Erfurt (Handwerkskammer/HWK) signed a partnership agreement to encourage closer collaboration between the Eastern Cape TVET colleges, as public skills development providers, and employers. This initiative is led by the RMI Eastern Cape Regional Manager, and the RMI National Training Director.  The HWK has a project lead based in South Africa. The implementation of the project commenced in August 2020, and the current phase terminates at the end of November 2022.

RMI involvement in the DHET Centres Specialisation (CoS) project

The Centres Specialisation (CoS) project falls under the DHET’s Special Projects Unit. The DHET identified 13 priority trades with occupational certificates and TVET colleges as public skills development providers.  The RMI National Training Director is the Occupational Team Convener of the Automotive Motor Mechanic occupational certificate and Christo Basson, who is contracted by the RMI, is the Occupational Team Convener of the Diesel Mechanic occupational certificate, which is presented at the College of Cape Town, Port Elizabeth TVET College, Orbit TVET College, and Mopani South TVET College. The current project runs until 30 June 2022.

New Venture Creation (NVC) program for informal and rural businesses

The RMI embraced a formal NQF (National Qualifications Framework) qualification, the New Venture Creation learnership, to train informal and rural business owners and managers.  A Gauteng pilot commenced in June 2019 and draws to a close at the end of March 2023. A second group’s implementation commenced in the 1st quarter of 2022 and the learning programs scheduled to end in March 2024.  This initiative forms part of the Organisation’s larger transformation drive to move competent learners’ businesses closer to mainstream industry and government criteria standards.