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About RMI Training

Skills development is one of the RMI’s strategic priorities as identified by the RMI Board.

The industry is represented on statutory bodies such as the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (merSETA), Transport Education Training Authority (TETA), and Wholesale and Retail Sector Education Training Authority (W&RSETA), the National Artisan Development Advisory Board (NADAB), and several Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) colleges. The RMI is further represented on the Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) sub-committee for Education and Training (SUBCET).

The RMI values the established working relationship with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) officials.
Numerous training related activities across Associations and institutions both nationally and internationally continue to broaden the footprint of the RMI, while addressing the numerous challenges we face as an industry from a training perspective due to major changes in the world of work.

The progress we make, would not have been possible without the visionary leadership of the RMI Board, the RMI CEO and the RMI Management Team. Special thanks also goes to the RMI National Executive Training Committee.